So. You know you need filtered water for so many different reasons. You’ve done your research, read the studies, assessed your budget. You’ve even decided buying water in bulk is the best way for you and purchased a crock and a couple of 5 gallon, BPA-free bottles. Ready to just fill up and get going, right? Then, you learn there are even more options: Reverse Osmosis, Deionized, and Alkaline Water, leaving you with the question:

What kind of filtered water is best for me, for my family?

It’s totally overwhelming! So, we wrote a little crash course.

Here’s a quick breakdown of the three types of water offered by FreshPure® Waters.

Alkaline Water

FreshPure® Alkaline Water has a pH of 9.5 or above. The school of thought behind drinking Alkaline water is simple: acidity builds up in our bodied in a number of ways, and it needs to be balanced out. Planetary pollution, a less-than-perfect diet, and a stressful lifestyle can easily cause acidity in the body. Stressors abound in our modern world and take constant mindful management- otherwise, they get the best of us, one way or another.

So, incorporating alkaline water may help to offset the impact of normal daily life.

FreshPure Alkaline Water goes through the entire Reverse Osmosis (RO) purification process FIRST, so you may drink it for reasons listed below and the additional health benefits associated with RO.

Great Reasons to Choose Alkaline:
  1. You’re a coffee drinker. Coffee has a pH of 4.3-4.7, and is a strong diuretic (there’s no cute way to say it: coffee makes you pee). Drinking Alkaline water helps to balance both the acid and dehydration.
  2. You’ve been eating a particularly acidic diet that includes more sweets, meats, or alcohol than usual. Festive holiday fare is a great example!
  3. You feel a cold or flu coming on. Disease thrives in an acidic environment, so alkalinity may help you stay healthy during the chilly season.
  4. Trace minerals Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, and Sodium help balance electrolytes and support your health. They are extra-hydrating.
  5. It has a strongly negative Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) (between -200 and -250 depending on the source) which is means it’s effect on your health is similar to antioxidants. Green tea and carrot juice (known for their high levels of antioxidants) both have an ORP of -50, while adding chlorine to water creates a disinfectant effect and high ORP. More on ORP coming soon!

RO: Reverse Osmosis

Reverse Osmosis is super-clean drinking water, perfect for daily use. The highly technical RO process removes contaminants down to a 10,000th of a micron from water. For a little reference, a human hair is 3-5 microns in diameter.

Literally hundreds of thousands of contaminants including chlorine, fluoride, pharmaceutical drugs, excess minerals, heavy metals, microplastics, and unregulated or emerging contaminants (chemicals and compounds not yet regulated by the EPA) are removed by Reverse Osmosis Technology.

It’s safe, delicious, and very affordable. Reverse Osmosis is a great option for anyone who no longer wants to drink their well water, city water, or bottled water

Great Reasons to Choose RO:

  1. It tastes delicious!
  2. Your municipal water supply has that “swimming pool” taste from chlorine.
  3. You live near an agricultural farm that may use pesticides which easily seep into groundwater.
  4. You want to avoid pharmaceutical drugs that may have dissolved into water.
  5. City plumbing and infrastructure can cause dangerous levels of contaminants to enter water supply, like the lead crisis in Flint, Michigan. A similar situation is coming to light in Plainfield Charter Township, Michigan.
  6. You live near an industrial plant of any kind that may dispose of chemical waste improperly. The current water crisis in Wilmington, North Carolina is one such example.
  7. You live downstream of a mine that may cause high levels of minerals to enter water. Here’s an example from Denver, Colorado.

DI: Deionized Water

Deionized Water is H20 purification on a molecular level. DI technology removes electrically charged molecules from water as well as any trace minerals left over after passing through the Reverse Osmosis membrane.

Great Reasons to Choose DI:
  1. Your humidifier, coffee machine, essential oil diffuser, or iron is getting clogged by excess minerals (hard water).
  2. Perfect for your fish tank and more affordable than distilled.
  3. Supporting your body through a special diet or cleanse.
  4. Some doctors recommend DI for folks with heavy metal toxicity.
  5. Your well water is too mineral rich (hard water).

We hope this helps you choose the best water for you!