Buy the Water.
Not the Bottle.
Last year alone, our customers prevented up to 100 million plastic bottles from being thrown away.
The impact is obvious, the choice is yours. Just bring your bottle and fill it up when you grocery shop. It’s that simple.
The Plastic Crisis
There is an island of plastic in the Pacific Ocean.
And another in the North Atlantic. And five more have been discovered in our oceans.
There are countless stories about marine life ingesting decomposed plastic, and countless more about enormous landfills.

Bottled Water
A Global Issue
The Facts
- 17 million barrels of oil annually are used in the production of plastic bottles.
- Transport of bottled water requires fuel for transportation, sometimes overseas.
- Only 20% of plastic bottles are recycled.
- Plastic take almost 1000 years to completely biodegrade.
- Each year, over 500 billion disposable bottles and cups enter our landfills and oceans.
- By 2050 the ocean will contain more plastic by weight than fish on our current trajectory.
- Packaging goes beyond the plastic bottle. Labeling, pallets, case packaging, and more all go into shipping large quantities of bottled water.
It’s enough to get anyone who cares down.
But, there are companies, like ours, who care too. And we’re doing what we can to help.
what you can do
Bring your bottle.
Fill it up.
Beyond Plastic…
Saving Precious Water.
Just last year, FreshPure® Waters customers kept 100 million 1-gallon single-use plastic bottles out of landfills.
That’s enough to fill 33 grocery stores to the ceiling.
Each year, our impact increases as more people realize the benefit of bulk water.
Did you know it takes the average Reverse Osmosis home system 5 gallons of water to make a single gallon of purified water? Our engineers have designed our systems to whittle down waste to only one gallon of waste per gallon of purified water. And, each FreshPure® System is equipped with pressurized equipment for easy use of the waste stream for a wide variety of functions- flushing toilets, watering plants, etc. It’s up to each store to take this initiative. We make it as easy as possible for our retail partners to save even more water.

YOUR Environmental Impact
Conservation & Humanitarian Resources
Conservation & Humanitarian Resources We Love:
Green Companies We Love:
Environmentally responsible companies make choices that put the Earth over profit. They deserve all the love and help we can give! Here is a short list of companies with a small carbon footprint that we love. Thank you for your integrity and commitment to this special planet.
Klean Kanteen
Life Factory
To-Go Ware
Happy Tiffin
Eco Bags
It’s Up to Us.
With a little creativity & dedication, together we can put the breaks on the plastic crisis.
It’s never too late.
Each and every small choice helps.
Thank you for your dedication to our green Earth.